Russia’s Hope For Rebirth, Social Justice and National Mobilization
The former head of Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, delivered a speech at the Washington headquarters of the international human rights organization Freedom House in early October, denouncing the government and president of Russia. This speech forms the basis of the manifesto which he later published. With the support of the global financial oligarchy, Khodorkovsky presents some conceptual theses, using comparisons, analogies and associations close to the Russian heart, sometimes even copying the techniques of patriotic rhetoric. Pretending to the status of a sort of judge of final appeal, the former oligarch tries with enviable pathos to reconcile the irreconcilable. He attempts to combine certain liberal “values” alien to Russia and the Russian people, with concepts of national pride and justice close to the Russian heart, creating a dangerous illusion of their organic compatibility.
Khodorkovsky, as it were, habituates the active part of society to the future liberal reforms initiated by the backstage world, and moreover he presents these reforms as the only possible and useful ones. Unfortunately, we can’t just ignore this “warm, soft” compilation and leave it unanswered. These words from an explicit enemy of Russia are just too dangerous, and the effects of any attempt to put his scenario into practice would be just too destructive. To answer the liberal globalist scenario proposed by Khodorkovsky under the guise of a new round of “reforms”, we must provide the Russian patriotic response. These are not just the idle speculations of a rich and extraordinary criminal escaped from his Motherland; they are the ideological program for a new coup d’etat in Russia, the “road map” for a rebellion of the oligarchs, directed as always in Russian history against the Leader, the People and the State Power. Well, let’s analyze it point by point.
The Russian choice, social justice and national mobilization
1. The last Russian Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II wrote 100 years ago of a “circle of treason, cowardice and deceit.” He spoke not of the people, nor of fools and roads. He meant the political, military and economic elite of that time. The treason of the elite had resulted in the collapse of the Russian Empire, the greatest power in the world. Under the leadership of the British envoy 200 years ago, the political elite participated in the regicide of Emperor Paul. The later effect was the Napoleonic invasion and the War of 1812. During the Time of Troubles 400 years ago, the political elite of Russia swore fealty to impostors and the Polish king, betraying the Fatherland and Faith. Only a Russian militia revolt saved Russia and Orthodoxy at that time, starting a new dynasty of Russian tsars. Little has changed in Russia since those times. Russian leaders relying on the Russian people sacrifice their lives on the altar of the Fatherland, while corrupt comprador elites stop at nothing to betray the Motherland and the Emperor, to rob and subjugate the people in the pursuit of immediate personal gain. Although peace always returned after long and painful years of disturbance, Russia began to move on and on to progress after crisis . 23 years ago (beneath our eyes), history repeated itself. The “Red Empire”, which really needed extremely careful and serious reforms, was looted, pillaged and destroyed by a clique of unscrupulous nouveaux-riches and superior party officials, “recoloured” and sold out to their erstwhile “ideological enemies”. History is accelerating … its cycles are getting shorter. And again, for the second time in our lives, the country, hardly begun its recovery after the last “demolition”, is facing another greedy carve-up. Those who did not succeed in plundering the long-suffering Motherland in the 90s, crave their revenge now.
2. 10 years of imprisonment for you, Mr Khodorkovsky, is a real tragedy. How much you could have stolen within that period! And now your only purpose is to compensate the loss of that decade. Let us examine the last 10 years of your life. Mr Khodorkovsky, between 1991 and your arrest, you created a huge financial and industrial empire, really “ex nihilo” (having invested not a rouble but misappropriated tens of billions of dollars’ worth of public property) and became one of the richest people in the country. Moreover, you walked upon corpses, like all the other oligarchs of those times. Not shy yourself of any moral constraints, you robbed and ruined the vast Soviet industrial heritage. You rolled in wealth and enjoyed “elitism” which brooked no denial. At the same time my friends, my comrades and I myself were almost continuously fighting for Russia and the Russian people against the enemies of the Fatherland, first in Transnistria and later in Bosnia and Chechnya. And when we had to retreat, defeated due to the betrayal of the so-called “new elite”, grinding our teeth and followed by the despicable and hateful comments of corrupt mass media pretending to be democratic, you and your kind, Mr Khodorkovsky, were completely ignoring the needs of the country and its people. And consequently. we have quite different experiences. You were learning to steal, rob and lie, and we were learning to protect Russia and its people, even when nobody asked us to do so. Imprisonment always changes people, sometimes for the better. You, alas, have not learned your lesson. Even after returning to freedom, you continue to regard yourself as not guilty of anything. Moreover, you have immediately joined the enemy’s camp, thus confirming the judgement of those that condemned you.
3. How dare you speak about anything “stolen”? You, whose credo was to steal, steal and steal? Have you ever made or built any thing in your life by yourself – any thing that could be stolen personally from you? No, you have not. Because you never achieved anything other than theft, fraud and robbery before you went to prison. Among all of your achievements, personally I can recognize only one socially useful result, namely the boots that you made in prison. From the moral point of view, that is the only worthwhile work in your entire rather dirty life (to put it mildly) as a highly talented thief and swindler. But the worst thing is that this work hasn’t done you any good, and judging by what you are doing now, has not helped you to realize your own mistakes and crimes. While the real patriots of Russia and Russian people struggle in battle in Novorossia, you receive a grant of pardon from President Putin and immediately side with his enemies and the enemies of Russia. You have been on the Russophobic Maidan in Kiev and collected all the “colours” of Russian traitors to rally a “Russian spring” upon enemy territory. Do you say that Russia has stopped developing? This is a direct result of your activities, your privatization and your comprador policy. Now are you calling upon us for radical reforms? In alliance with whom? With the real enemies of everything Russian? And all this for patriotic motives?
4. You demonstrate your “patriotism” particularly sharply when you repeat a thriller about Russia as “a threat to Europe and around the world”. Once Goebbels screamed loudly (and with much more talent) about this threat, and before him Napoleon, and the British Lord Palmerston and Disraeli. Later on, both Winston Churchill and President Ronald Reagan called the USSR the “evil empire.” So you, Mikhail Borisovich, have taken a quite well-trodden path. You make it look as if you alone are “the most intelligent” and know something about history, whereas all the Russian people are complete idiots and ignoramuses, and also cowards who are easy to cheat and frighten with the spectre of “World War III” to the point where they will agree to deny their Fatherland and refuse help to their half-brothers in Novorossia, “anything to avoid war”. But the main addressee of this appeal is not in Russia. This is a kind of “pledge” to those who have wanted to eliminate Russia throughout its history. In my opinion, this is the typical tactic of the card-sharp who, understanding that he is about to be exposed, gets his own accusation in first. The Western world, ruled by the global financial oligarchy of which you, Mikhail Borisovich, are a part, labours to depict us as intending to conquer or destroy our neighbours. But always and everywhere they practice this method of pre-emptive accusation against their intended future opponents, attributing to them exactly their own intentions. So we can say: Russia is really threatened by war. They hope that Russia will be frightened and surrender. And afterwards, we are to let us disarm us and then finally destroy us. What can we say to that? The task of the real Russian patriots (not the regular pseudo-patriots of Washington’s “Freedom House”) is to get ready to repel aggression from the West, because only thus can Russia prevent it and to defend its sovereignty.
Back to Russia
5. When you speak of “European values”, Mr Khodorkovsky, you do not understand (or you pretend not to understand) that these “values” of yours have no relation to real, traditional European values. The latter are exactly what President Putin is attempting to revive in Russia. But the “values” that are now being imposed upon the world by the global financial oligarchy under the name of “European” values, have elicited thousands of vigorous protests in Europe itself. Last time Russia’s then-Soviet leadership decided to “turn” to these so-called “values”, more than 20 years ago, the country was split as a result, looted and humiliated, and the Russian people abruptly seemed to be the most divided people in the world. Since Putin came to power, he has begun to correct the disaster of the 1990s, to tame the absolute power of the oligarchs, to re-nationalize the property of the elite and to restore the shattered economy. Re-establishing order, step by step, the President has found it possible to grant pardon even to such a bastard as you were before your time in prison, Mr Khodorkovsky..
But you did not appreciate this, probably because you regarded his pardon as a mere sign of weakness. Because of course you would not stand on ceremony, would you, Mr Khodorkovsky? And now, after having deceived the President with your false repentance, are you going to take revenge on him for everything he has done? For the fact that he wants to strengthen the state and to protect national interests at the expense of comprador elites? That he did not allow you to sell the largest reserves of natural resources to the Rothschilds on the cheap, thus condemning Russia for external control? That he has punished you for your openly-expressed intention to remove him from power by unconstitutional means? According to your words, you re-evaluated a lot of things while you were in prison. But no sooner are you returned to freedom, than once again you take up your position on the opposite sides of the front to the Russian people in the war for the Russian World, the hard, actual confrontation in the Donbass. Your hatred for Putin has led you not only into the camp of his enemies, but into the camp of the enemies of the Russian state and the entire Russian people. How do you dare reproach Putin for defending the people of Crimea and Novorossiya, for refusing to let the Ukrainian Nazis supported by West set up their bloody dictatorship in Crimea and the Donbass? The Russians are protecting themselves, fighting for their very lives.
And you are blaming the victims for having the gall to defend themselves. A Third World War is excluded as long as Russia is strong and powerful enough to ensure not only asymmetrical, but full strategic parity, and as long as there are people in power who are not ready to sell their country and their people on the vine, just for a promise that they will be allowed entry into the supranational financial elite. We will stand up to your persistent desire to sell something that you do not own, which has not waned during your years of prison. And we won’t allow ourselves again to be inspired by false slogans, as we were 23 years ago.
6. What you say about “European values and Euro-Atlantic civilization” has nothing to do with Russia. On the contrary, it contradicts our national history, psychology and destiny. Europe moved away from its own Christian values long ago and plunged into the quagmire of the most vile evils, and the much-vaunted “Euro-Atlanticism” is nothing more than a geopolitical doctrine of global domination by the USA, which opposes every people in the world which still retains its own religion, sovereignty and national traditions. Russia has already twice in the recent past been affected by the leprosy of “advanced European ideas”, and as a result it has been gravely injured by the manias of its own elite and its own intellectuals. Today there are two paths open to the Russians: either to return to themselves and regain their faith, their tradition, their values and their sovereignty or to be dissolved in the global West, becoming enslaved, disappearing as a civilization and losing everything. Again I shall emphasize your outstanding hypocrisy, Mr. Khodorkovsky, as you mouth regrets over lost art, literature, science, space travel and other achievements of the Imperial and Soviet “totalitarian past”. Indeed, “the wolf regretted its treatment of the mare, specifically the fact that it had left the tail and mane”! But even if we assume that some of what you have said is almost true, then I ask you to brush up on your history: Russia received the Christian faith not from the Catholic West, but from the Orthodox East, directly from the Eastern Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the guardian of true Christianity for an entire millennium. But how, in any case, can you talk about the Christian faith?
7. Everything that Russia has today has been created by our people and our country in a desperate struggle to keep our own identity, freedom and sovereignty, a struggle against enemies both from the West and from the East. Russia first developed as a national state, and then grew into a great empire, because it was flexible enough to perceive the positive qualities of its neighbours. There is nothing shameful or dishonourable about this; this is a way of all nations with sane rulers who are building and developing their own states. To learn from the experience of other peoples does not mean to blindly copy them. We have already copied enough. Marxism, which was brought to us from Europe, cost our country a great deal! Every nation and every country is unique. A field of fine grasses and differing flowers is beautiful because of the differences within it, and humanity is beautiful in its efflorescence of unique nations, even as they fight amongst themselves for “a place in the sun”. They are not like a “manicured public lawn” full of standardized “Euro-Atlantic common human beings”.
8. “Euro-Atlantic” values are the “values of a strong and just state”? Boldly said, Mikhail Borisovich! Currently, these values are bringing about the extinction of the nations of Europe, which now follow these values, yet once created the great Europe which our home-brewed liberals are so fond of talking about. Is this your so-called “justice”? However, for obvious reasons, you’re not bothered about the historical fate of a few Germans, French or British. Likewise, the Russians, Bashkirs, Tatars, Lezgins and so on. So, presumably, the “strong state” referred to is the United States? After all, there are no “strong” (that is, truly sovereign and independent) states left in Europe. Yugoslavia, the last sovereign state in Europe except for the former Soviet Union which dared to defend the interests of its citizens, was destroyed and subordinated 15 years ago. It was persuaded with the help of bombs and missiles to follow “Euro-Atlantic values”, with the aid of siege and the rebellion of immigrants belonging to a different faith. Now it’s the turn for Belarus and Russia, isn’t that so? A foothold has already been created in the Ukraine, and now it’s time for the “final push”?
The values imposed by the world oligarchy, the “European”, “Euro-Atlantic”, “common” values, etcetera, are the values of the complete destruction of all nation states and the radical abolition of everything even vaguely reminiscent of social justice. Here, Mr Khodorkovsky, you are either ignorant or deliberately lying. Actually, to suggest that it’s “ignorance” is just “for effect”. I have no illusion that there were any flaws in your education. The liberalism you promote has as the final goal of total globalization, the levelling of all peoples and religious communities under one consumer “comb”, and installing the authorities of the global financial oligarchy, eliminating all historical states. The EU project was the first step in this direction. In the area of economic policy, liberalism firmly denies any social justice, not only in practice but also in its theory. The free market the liberals talk about, is incompatible with the redistribution of profit on which the supporters of social justice insist. The more Russia becomes involved in the processes of globalization, the faster it will lose its sovereignty and its ability to carry out a social policy of its own. And as to the “mobilization”: we, of course, need a powerful national mobilization against the aggression of the “Euro-Atlantists”, which is aimed at accelerated final looting of Russia under the pretext of “integration into the world community” and “the global economy.” We need a mobilization of both state and public, because the threat is looming not only over the state sovereignty of Russia, but also over the cultural and moral identity of its people, which disintegrating amid the promotion and imposing of “Euro-Atlantic” vices: sodomy, debauchery, paedophilia, the murder of children and the elderly by means of abortion and euthanasia respectively, drugs, terrorism, and everything else that comes with the “New humane World Order”.
9. “Whoever wants to be strong must not allow himself to fall behind.” This is an absolutely correct thesis. And that is why the decision by President Putin to bring about full rearmament by 2020 is an absolutely appropriate response to the Russophobic hysteria generated by the West. The Russian military, the leaders of the military-industrial complex, the regional industrialists and entrepreneurs need to replace the comprador elite of the 90s, the so-called “oligarchs”, a typical representative of which you, Mr Khodorkovsky, are. Russian oligarchs are alien to Russia. Their capital and their families are in the West, although they amassed their fortunes by exploiting the Russian people. They represent the interests of the global financial oligarchy, they think in terms of ultra-liberalism and, in fact, consider themselves to be something of a colonial administration. That’s why they prefer to make their “revelations” through your “prophetic” voice in Washington.
10. Today, the fault is not in Europe, but in ourselves. Our way is to return to ourselves. We should return to Russia, to our history, to our culture, to our mission. This mission has always been and will always be to carry the light of the Christian faith, the ideals of good and social justice to the people of the world, to be the “refraining from evil”, as the Apostle Paul said. We have a very troubled past. Throughout the whole of the 20th century, Russia shook with the fever of bloody revolutions and destructive wars. But, through these severe ordeals, Russia managed to preserve much of what Europe has lost almost irrevocably. And if Europe wants to return to its own traditions and to its own Christian principles, it should travel this way with us, not with the financial oligarchy of the USA, who offer the nations of the world only a godless civilization of moral corruption, ideological zombification, and spiritual and physical death.
Building a fair society
11. “Modern Russian society is structured unfairly,” you say. I completely agree with you. However (to repeat what I have already said) it is you and people like you who are responsible. Taking advantage of the crisis of the USSR, you started robbing and killing, gathering into your hands the heritage of the entire nation. Thus, you and your cronies laid the foundations of “modern Russian society,” where the most cynical and despicable stratum of society has got all the levers of economic power, and to some extent of political power also, acting in collusion with, and on instructions from, overseas managers. Immediately after coming to power, Putin began to recover the situation. However, injustice has struck its roots deep. Therefore, it will be a long difficult process to return our society to a state of social justice. But I believe we can get through it without the advice of an exiled tycoon who made his fortune by looting the national wealth, created by the hard work of generations of Russian people.
12. Reading your criticism of privatization (quite reasonable, by the way), I am amazed at your cynicism: you and people like you have gained your wealth by means of this exact criminal seizure of public property, and you are trying now to blame anybody but those who are truly guilty. Privatization, in the form that it took, was no mere “distortion”. It was a crime. As a result, what had been public property became the private property, not of ordinary people, but of an agile and unscrupulous minority. And the greatest “chunks” of property were acquired with the direct support of foreign financial capital, marching literally “across the bodies of the dead”. Don’t you know that? Putin began to establish just proportions here as well, returning the most important strategic sectors of the economy to the state. In this, he was simply trying to repair the disastrous consequences of criminal privatization. Without elimination of the oligarchy based on that criminal privatization, there will be neither social justice nor proper development of private enterprise.
13. You are totally right when you say “Russia’s subsoil needs to belong to the people of Russia.” The subsoil should belong to the people. As I have already mentioned, sometimes (though hardly ever) prison can be beneficial. On this point, the change in your views is undoubtedly positive. That was precisely what happened in your case: the assets of your energy companies were returned to state ownership, that is, they were returned to the people. There is no other way to turn the subsoil into public property except by means of its nationalization and the redistribution of the profits accrued from it, to the benefit of all citizens. This precludes private ownership of large entities in the field of energy production. The denationalisation of Yukos is an example of returning the subsoil to the people. Another problem is the efficiency of utilization of the subsurface resources. First they need to be repossessed from you and people like you, and then they need to be utilized with maximum efficiency. The current utilization of resource rent is far from perfect, this fact is hardly arguable. The key to solving the problem is to leave no part of our natural resources in the private ownership of the oligarchy.
14. Proportional taxation is indeed the right way. This is a step in the direction of social justice. But this issue is not to be discussed by you, Mr Khodorkovsky, who became rich by plundering his people and sending his capital abroad. In what country do you pay taxes? In Switzerland, in Britain or the United States? Return what you have stolen to the people, start with yourself, pay taxes in Russia. Or is this only acceptable to you on condition that you become the president yourself? Another oligarch like you, in our neighbouring country, recently swore the same to his voters. His name was Poroshenko. He swore to return to the people of Ukraine all the wealth that they had created through their back-breaking labours! But now he doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to do that. So start with yourself! Present the image of “a responsible taxpayer”! Someone (at least among the really naive) may believe in you, if you do.
15. Liberalism as you understand it, Mr Khodorkovsky, is an absolute delusion. It is a false teaching which completely ignores God, spirit, culture, humanity and society, which recognizes solely the individual and his private interests in the material and financial field. Liberalism conceived in such a way is entirely incompatible with genuine freedom: how can a man be free if the society in which he lives is enslaved by debt bondage to the international financial oligarchy and its local supervisors? Where all of human life is subject to the search for increased financial gains, and the state of bank accounts is the measure of all? Liberalism today is a totalitarian ideology, and its expansion is the basis of the USA’s global hegemony. It is unacceptable for Russia in any form, whether political, economic or legal. And that’s the most important thing: for you, Mr Khodorkovsky, liberalism is the ultimate truth, and as for national development and social justice, those are mere fodder for populist rhetoric. Your new Russian liberalism is doomed, it is accepted neither by the Right nor by the Left. This is a colonialist ideology which works against our Russian identity. Your efforts to destroy this identity so that your liberalism may triumph, are efforts to destroy Russia. That is what appears to be your ultimate goal.
16. “A socially oriented nation state”, based on Christian values, has to be the goal and orientation of all strategy for real Russian patriots. To achieve this goal, the “Right” and the “Left”, the supporters of monarchy and the supporters of socialism, are completely free to unite their forces. Naturally such a state should be based on strict adherence to the law. But what is your real attitude to this project? Because you need to seduce this people, and they are currently somewhat ready to listen to your pledge to create “a socially oriented nation state”, not really knowing how to build a “national” government in place of the centuries-old Russian Empire, in which hundreds of peoples were able to live and develop. This bone you toss to us, the Russian people. But the Russians are no longer a trusting flock, having twice in the past century fallen for barbed promises of a “land of milk and honey” which have resulted in oceans of blood. I sincerely hope we have learned some lessons and will be able to distinguish the true from the false, even when the latter is covered with a pretty wrapper. “A socially oriented nation state” may include anyone but you, the oligarchs, the lackeys of the Rothschilds. Desist, Mr Khodorkovsky, from matters national and social: these matters require clean hands and a perfect life history.
The war is a tragedy that sometimes cannot be avoided
17. The United States and American hegemony mean war. We can see it in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and now Ukraine. Wherever the United States helps to bring about “colour revolutions”, there fascists, extremists and fundamentalists come to power. To follow the United States, the West and NATO means to be accessory of fascism, an advocate of war. This war is being waged against the part of humanity who refuse the American rules and do not want to humbly and slavishly serve the interests of the global financial oligarchy.
18. This war is being waged against Russia, as well as against Ukraine. Those heroes who defend the Russian world now, who fight in Novorossia, did not want this war. They wanted peace. But the price of peace cannot be freedom and dignity. Under the terms of the neo-Nazi junta brought to power in Kiev by your masters and supported by you personally, Mr Khodorkovsky, life is no life, and peace is no peace. The Russians in Crimea and Novorossia rose up for freedom and justice, for the right to their own national development, and to preserve their own language and culture. It was a war against war. Your calls for peace are not just hypocrisy, they are treachery. But this is all of a piece with the rest of what you are. We’re just on opposite sides of the front, and your words to me, who took an active part in the hostilities in Novorossia, sound like calls from the other side: “Russians, give yourselves up! We promise you all an amnesty! You have been deceived!” In combat conditions there can be only one answer. You can guess for yourself what that is. The problem for Russia today is not that war, as you claim, has become the “driver”. Quite the opposite: Putin has done and is doing everything in his power to avoid a “big” war (a small one has already been unleashed, by the USA but using the hands of Kiev, and it continues, taking dozens of lives every day). To accuse the Russian government of doing anything other than trying to defend the Russian Fatherland is nothing short of blasphemy. By propounding this notion, you can gain the support of the Western-backed comprador elite, who promote regular anti-Russian “peace marches”. But you must say goodbye forever to the people who stand on the side of historical and social justice for Russia (the vast majority). You are on the opposite side to them in regard to Crimea and Novorossia, which more than ever unite all Russians in supporting Putin’s unequivocally decisive steps in this direction.
National mobilization
19. The current government have brought Russia to the threshold of a decisive breakthrough in the direction of independence, power and freedom, which will free it from the direct influence of American hegemony. Unfortunately, in my personal opinion, this breakthrough is clearly being held back by some force, I would guess by your secret associates, who still have an enormous influence because of their stolen wealth and the domestic political influence they bought with it. There is visible oscillation about the need to move forward. But the population of the country is quite ready for it, and that’s what frightens you, hence your hysterical remarks about the threat of “a Chinese protectorate.” This “Chinese threat” is still nothing but a theory. But there is already a clear and obvious “American protectorate” established over Russia, as a result of the treason of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. The main threat to the sovereignty of Russia is in an aggressive onslaught by the global financial oligarchy, frightened by possibility of the “loss” of Russia from the slop trough of the “colonial economy”, and by its fifth column, one of whose ideologists you are.
20. The global financial oligarchy is fighting desperately and furiously against Russia’s revival. If Russia can withstand this onslaught, it has a future; it will re-enter history and win. But if some Russia-hating, mercenary agent of the global financial oligarchy like yourself comes to power, we will all fall into an abyss, compared to which the bandit 1990s will look like child’s play. The disintegration of the country, with all the consequences attendant upon that – wars, rampant poverty, hunger, epidemics and large-scale man-made disasters – that’s what awaits us in that eventuality. I have had the opportunity to witness this, though on a much smaller scale, more than once or twice, and most recently in Ukraine, where most of the “berries” are yet to come. And you, Mr Khodorkovsky, now want to help the West to destroy once more, everything that Putin started to recover in 2000. But you will fail, because we are Russian, and God is with us! The global financial oligarchy, the priests of Mammon who put themselves in the place of God, and claim to direct the world’s destiny in His Name, are lost in the jungle of their own false creation. American hegemony is crumbling like a giant with feet of clay. The West is falling. Its indigenous population is dying off. In 20 years’ time, the European countries will have become Muslim. Christian culture has been driven to the periphery of public life. China has officially become the world’s largest economy. The United States is unable to pay its huge foreign debt; it is rocked by racial and social unrest; in its agony, the West wreaks on the world only chaos, destruction, blood and suffering. But we can follow a different path: towards the revival of Great Russia against all threats and challenges. And in this regard a grate reversal has already been made: the Crimea has been recovered for us by Putin, and no one shall take it from us again!
21. You have talked of the heroic deeds of the Russian people, but you have reduced them to matters of moderation and labour. Apparently, you believe that the future happiness of Russian people consists in slave labour for a bowl of gruel, for the benefit of the global financial oligarchy, which you represent. And in the base “spectacle” offered to complement the gruel, guaranteed to return the viewer to the most primary instincts of the animal. So, well now: “only over our dead bodies!” The Russian people have different horizons and goals, quite distinct from dumb obedience to a depraved Western elite. Here I will digress from your thesis and articulate briefly our Russian response, which is expressed by the simple formula: “For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland.” The Russian people have been dying for these sacred ideas for centuries, knowing that in fighting for them, they are fighting for themselves and for their future. Today it means a very specific loyalty: to the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russian state and the Supreme Commander-in-chief, Vladimir Putin.
22. For fifteen recent years Russia has been preparing to leap into the great Russian future. The time has come to commit.