Powerful US Lobbyists Acting for a Foreign Power, the State of Israel
If I had been a survivor from the Nazi Holocaust in Europe in 1945, I would have supported the proposition of Israel becoming a nuclear power so that the world would know that the mass ethnic murder of millions could never happen again.
The vast majority of today’s five million American Jews, however, are not Holocaust survivors and have no connection with such families. Many do not even know precisely where London is, never mind Berlin. However, a substantial minority have succumbed to political pressure to indiscriminately support the Israel lobby in the U.S. that acts as an agent for a foreign, nuclear power.
AIPAC is a high-powered, multi-financed, political pressure group working exclusively in the interests of 6 million Israelis and not for the welfare or benefit of the 300 million citizens of the United States of America. It raises massive sums of money in order to ensure that the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are both populated by members who support its political and economic agenda in priority over that of the United States of America although it would have you believe that the two are identical – which any high-school, American child could tell you is patent nonsense.
Israel works for Israel and ensures that America does likewise and, somewhat unbelievably, will also deploy American troops to fight for it. However, there is now increasingly a national contention that believes that AIPAC’s influence and power over the U.S. Congress are wholly disproportionate; are contrary to democratic governance and need to now either be prohibited or heavily regulated, by law. The first step would appear to be for the President of the United States to have AIPAC designated as an ‘Agent for a Foreign Power’ and, as such, be prohibited from having any influence on the selection, or election, of members of the United States legislature.
In this context, it must be kept in mind that the State of Israel is the only undeclared nuclear weapons entity in the world, with an estimated secret arsenal of up to 400 nuclear warheads – all of which are outside the inspection of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the United Nations, which makes it potentially the greatest threat to global peace in the history of mankind.
That means that there could well be another holocaust, but one that could wipe out not six million, but six billion of us – from London to Los Angeles and from Beirut to Beijing and everyone in between. That is the horrific, but factual position today, in 2015.
The most valuable legacy that President Obama could leave would be to make foreign influence over the U.S. Congress both unconstitutional and illegal. An undeclared nuclear Israel, outside the inspection of the IAEA is a grave enough global problem without it being supported and financed by a lobby-controlled House of Representatives without any mandate from the people it was elected to represent.
(C) EUnewsdesk. August 2015, London