Obama commented after two days of G-7 discussions. He repeated tired old demagogic boilerplate we’ve heard many times before.
“(W)e’re…here to stand up for the fundamental principles that we share as democracies: for freedom; for peace; for the right of nations and peoples to decide their own destiny; for universal human rights and the dignity of every human being,” he blustered.
Fact: Democracy in America is pure fantasy. Monied interests control everything. Ordinary people have no say whatever. Elections are farcical when held.
Fact: Throughout his tenure, Obama waged war on fundamental freedoms – including targeting more whistleblowers of government wrongdoing than all his predecessors combined and making America a Big Brother society more than earlier.
Fact: Peace is anathema for US policymakers. Endless direct and proxy wars rage.
Fact: Sovereign independent nations are targeted for regime change.
Fact: America is the world’s leading human rights abuser on a global scale.
Obama took credit for nonexistent economic recovery. Protracted Main Street Depression conditions exist.
Real unemployment tops 23%. Tens of millions wanting jobs can’t find them. Those created are rotten low-pay, poor or no-benefit part-time or temp ones.
“(I)n the global economy, America is (not) a major source of strength,” as Obama claims.
He urged punishing Greece more than already by forcing greater austerity cuts on people least able to tolerate them.
He outrageously corporate written TPP and TTIP trade legislation include “high standards to protect workers, public safety and the environment.”
Their provisions are polar opposite. They’re anti-consumer, anti-environmental nightmarish bills.
G-7 countries remain “strongly united in support of Ukraine,” said Obama. He promised continued political, economic and technical support. He omitted explaining heavy weapons America supplies Kiev to continue waging naked aggression on its own people.
“Russian forces continue to operate in eastern Ukraine, violating Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he claimed.
“This is now the second year in a row that the G7 has met without Russia – another example of Russia’s isolation – and every member of the G7 continues to maintain sanctions on Russia for its aggression against Ukraine.”
Fact: The whole world knows Washington and Kiev partner in waging dirty war without mercy on Donbass Ukrainians rejecting fascism – wanting real democracy.
Fact: It’s common knowledge in Western capitals that no “Russian aggression” exists. The Big Lie otherwise drowns out hard truths.
Obama’s claim about sanctions hurting Russia are way overblown. EU countries supporting Washington’s agenda do so at their own expense.
Russia is strong and resilient. Its partnership with other BRICS countries represents a strong counterweight to G-7 dominance. America’s attempt to influence its geopolitical policies failed.
“…Sanctions against Russia will remain in place so long as (it) continues to violate its obligations under the Minsk agreements,” Obama blustered.
“Our European partners reaffirmed that they will maintain sanctions on Russia until the Minsk agreements are fully implemented, which means extending the EU’s existing sectoral sanctions beyond July.”
“And the G7 is making it clear that, if necessary, we stand ready to impose additional, significant sanctions against Russia.”
Fact: Russia scrupulously observes all three Ukraine ceasefire agreements – the latest one in February this year.
Fact: Washington and its proxy Kiev junta violated them straightaway – wanting war, not peace.
Blaming Russia irresponsibly for crimes they committed indicates protracted war, increased US saber rattling, more sanctions and other hostile policies risking direct confrontation.
America is the greatest threat to world peace and stability. As long as EU countries go along with its imperial agenda harming their own interests, the unthinkable is possible – the nightmare of potential humanity destroying nuclear war.
With lunatics in charge in Washington, the unthinkable could become reality.
A Final Comment
G-7 countries Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan foolishly yield to US pressure on bashing Russia.
A joint communique following two days of talks said “the duration of sanctions should be clearly linked to Russia’s complete implementation of the Minsk agreements and respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty.”
“(W)e…stand ready to take further restrictive measures in order to increase cost on Russia should its actions so require.”
It bears repeating. Russia is wrongfully blamed for US/Kiev high crimes. All G-7 countries know what they won’t admit, including America – the greatest threat in history to world peace.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.
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