Media Truth and Sabotage: Online Threats Directed against the Global Research Website

In the course of the last few days,  the Global Research website has been subjected to persistent threats with a view to blocking access to independent reports on the evolving crisis in Syria.

On Wednesday the 28th of August following the announcement by Washington of an impending military attack directed against Syria, our online readership increased to more than 185,000.

In the days that followed, we were subjected to periodic and deliberate disruptions.

And while our site is functional thanks to our technical support, the download is slow and not all our articles are accessible.

The objective of these internet threats is to sustain the lie and foreclose the truth.

What is the truth, what is the lie?  In the words of George Orwell:  “Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidarity to pure wind.”

The mainstream media in  chorus has endorsed the lies and fabrications of the Obama administration and its indefectible British ally.

Syria is accused of using chemical weapons against it own people.

Its a lie.

The US supported Al Qaeda affiliated rebels, which constitute the foot soldiers of the US-NATO-Israel military alliance are recruited, financed  and trained by the Pentagon and the CIA, with the support of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

From the outset in March 2011, Global Research has documented the Syrian crisis.

We have published over 700 articles on Syria.

Detailed Global Research reports and analysis refute the lies of the mainstream media:

1.The US and its allies are supporting Al Nusrah, an Al Qaeda affiliated entity which is on the State department list of terrorist organizations. Al Nusrah is financed and trained by the US and its allies including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Israel. Al Nusrah is the main fighting force of the so-called “opposition”.

2. Al Nusrah is responsible for countless killings of civilians and atrocities committed as part of a US sponsored intelligence operation. These atrocities have been documented. most of the Al Nusrah terrorists are foreign mercenaries.

3. Israel is also supporting the Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists out of the Golan Heights.

4. The US has unleashed Al Qaeda death squads inside Syria. The Obama administration is responsible for having ordered the killing of civilians, while placing the blame on the government of Bashar al Assad.

5. US, British, French Turkish, Qatari and Israeli Special Forces have integrated the opposition terror brigades in derogation of international law.

6. Confirmed by mainstream media reports, Turkish police reports and statements of UN observers, the rebels are in possession of chemical weapons; confirmed by CNN, the Pentagon has trained the Al Qaeda “revolutionaries” in the use of chemical weapons.

7. America’s Al Qaeda affiliated brigades have been defeated. The ground war in May was virtually over.

8. The US-NATO-Israel is now actively contemplating the next stage: an all out air campaign as well as “boots on the ground”.  They have deployed a naval force in the Eastern Mediterranean.

9. They need a pretext to intervene on humanitarian ground. They are accusing the government of Bashar al Assad of using chemical weapons against the Syrian people, a nonsensical proposition.

10. Bear in mind that the same Western governments which are accusing the Bashar Al Assad government of killing its own people have been providing the “revolutionaries” with chemical weapons.

11. The crimes committed by al Nusrah were ordered by the Western military alliance. By supporting the terrorists, Western leaders are responsible for crimes against humanity. They have supported and financed Al Qaeda affiliated death squads.

11. President Obama is now saying that a retaliatory strike against Syria is “needed … to protect U.S. security,” a totally absurd and criminal proposition emanating from a Nobel Peace Laureate.

Does that means that each time Obama orders the drone killing of innocent civilians in a far away country that the international community should retaliate militarily against the United States of America.

Consult our vast dossier of articles on Syria: NATO’s Next War

Learn the truth, challenge politicians in high office, confront the mainstream media, which is complicit in war crimes.

War is a criminal undertaking.

The objective of  US-NATO is the kill the unspoken truth and destroy the independent media.

Our objective and commitment is to reverse the tide of war.

We are indebted to our readers.

More than every, we need your support. Our authors and senior editors are volunteers.

With thanks and appreciation,

Michel Chossudovsky, Editor of Global Research

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