Media Disinformation: Russian Tanks in Ukraine? Consider the Source
Denying civilians admittedly needed aid constitutes, in the West’s own terms, a crime against humanity. While in Syria attempts by the West to openly arm and equip known terrorist organizations within Syrian territory included a mandate from the UN that allowed supplies to flow without the approval of the Syrian government. Those “aided,” are now clearly the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) running rampant on both sides of the Syrian-Iraqi border.
In Ukraine, precisely the opposite is happening. The regime in Kiev is openly raising armies of Nazi militants to go east and mass murder Ukrainians. Referring to Russian-speaking Ukrainians as “subhumans,” the NATO-backed regime is clearly attempting region-wide genocide. Humanitarian aid from Russia, opened for inspection and coordinated with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), has been blatantly denied entry into eastern Ukraine after baseless accusations have been made by both Kiev and their NATO backers that it constituted a “Trojan horse.”
To further poison attempts to relieve desperate civilian populations surrounded by literal Nazis in eastern Ukraine, British propaganda outlets from the BBC, to the Guardian and Telegraph are claiming columns of Russian armor have been seen moving into Ukraine. Of course, their articles only provide photographic evidence of the armor inside of Russia, but none proving it crossed the border.
When considering the constant deluge of anti-Russian propaganda in support of literal, flag-waving Nazis and fascists occupying Kiev and mass murdering populations in eastern Ukraine, one must consider the source.
British propaganda, like its newer but equally deceitful American counterparts, has exhausted its legitimacy and panders to shrinking audiences. Desperately trying to maintain control over the global narrative, everything from cognitive infiltration of newer forms of alternative media, to fabricating entire audiences to manufacture popularity has been used to propagate the agenda of special interests occupying Wall Street and the City of London.
The credibility of British propaganda in particular can be gauged through the examination of some of its most prominent networks – the Guardian and the BBC.
The Guardian’s recent article, “Russian military vehicles enter Ukraine as aid convoy stops short of border,” includes familiar fabrications that have been seen in other conflicts around the globe. It was the Guardian in November of 2012 that claimed the Syrian government “shut down” the Internet, despite all evidence pointing to NATO and its terrorist proxies. The Guardian would write in its article, “Syria shuts off internet access across the country,” that:
Syrian officials shut down nationwide internet access on Thursday and closed Damascus airport as rebels mounted offensives nearby and tried to advance on the capital from four directions. Phone networks were also crippled in much of the country, causing fear and confusion on both sides and fuelling claims that a new rebel push was gaining momentum.
With absolutely no evidence, and even with claims by the Syrian government itself denying involvement, the Guardian shamelessly accused Damascus of cutting off the Internet, thus fueling a propaganda campaign designed to make the government in Damascus appear overbearing, tyrannical, and despotic, while attempting to create panic with a “rebels are making gains” narrative.
It was clear at the time that it was not the Syrian government, and since then, revelations published within the pages of the Guardian itself, admit that it was the NSA, not the Syrian government, behind the outage. Shamelessly admitting the truth, with no apology to readers for misleading them, those behind British propaganda understand that the damage has already been done in the timely business of public lying.
In contrast to a more “minor” incident like baselessly accusing Syria of cutting the Internet or Russia of “invading” eastern Ukraine, all of the major British publications and broadcasters participated in the lead up to the US-UK invasion of Iraq on the patently false pretense of Baghdad possessing chemical weapons. Other notorious lies involved the “Houla Massacre,” and alleged e-mails “leaked” from the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.