Left Forum Bans “Deep State” Panels: Speakers Refuse to be Silenced, Come to the “Left Out Forum”!

The Left Forum, the country’s largest leftist conference, has banned four of five panels on the Deep State track from this year’s line-up due to baseless antisemitic charges. The Left Forum, wearing thought police hats, have arbitrarily determined some ideas are too dangerous for their constituency to hear.  

Please publicize this pernicious threat to free speech​ and academic debate, and support an alternative speaking venue the organizers and speakers have proactively put together called the “Left Out Forum.”  

The Left Forum will be held on June 2-4, 2017, at John Jay Criminal College in New York City. Approximately 3,000 people attend the annual conference to hear up to 250 panels and plenaries. The alternative “Left Out Forum” panels will be on Sunday, June 4. 

The four banned Deep State panels are:

  • Political Correctness: The Dangers of Thought Crime Police
  • “Terrorism”: Fake Enemies, Fraudulent Wars
  • False Flags: Staged, Scripted, Mass Psy-Op Events 
  • 9/11 Truth: Ground Zero for a Resistance Movement

In April, the Left Forum had received two letters with contorted, out-of-context allegations claiming some panelists were antisemitic and should not be allowed to speak. The Left Forum Board subsequently rejected three of the five panels submitted by the grassroots organizers less than a month before the conference start.

The Left Forum shared both letters with the panel organizers, whose only recourse was to email vigorous responses rebutting the false and libelous accusations. Panel speakers and many supporters wrote letters of protest as well, all of which went unanswered. The Board refused to reverse their decision to allow the three panels. The entire process had the hallmarks of a secretive grand jury.

Source: leftforum.org

Then on May 28, mere days before the conference start, the Left Forum capitulated to yet more specious allegations and cancelled a fourth panel. Supposedly a “big German organization” erroneously claimed one of the speakers was a “Holocaust denier.” Without any input from the Deep State panel organizers or speakers, ironically the Left Forum decreed verboten the panel on Political Correctness: The Dangers of Thought Crimes.

The Left Forum’s capitulation to shadowy pressure must be contextualized as part of a brazen repression of academics and activists whose alternative perspectives challenge official versions of controversial events. Many academicsincluding several Deep State panel speakers—have been fired or suspended, almost all without reprieve. It has been well documented that much of this thought policing (though not all) is a sophisticated, organized meta strategy to oppose any criticism of Israel.

The following are just a few examples of silencing dissent by labeling it “antisemitic” based on an extreme, warped interpretation of hate speech.

  • Dr. Kevin Barrett‘s GoFundMe account was abruptly shut down and his donor database liquidated, all without a single explanation 
  • Zionists rabidly heckled Richard Falk at a British university, leading other institutions to cancel his lectures on Palestinian issues
  • The criminal machinations of terrorist-troll Josh Goldberg, who hides behind multiple online personalities in order to frame non-Jews on trumped-up antisemitic charges
  • The witch hunt of Alison Weir, founder of If Americans Knew and a leading advocate for the human rights​ of Palestinians
  • The Canary Mission website which publicizes and monitors alleged “antisemitic” academics
  • Amazon’s banishment (i.e., cyber book burning) of scores of books with alternative views on WWII

​​Given the conference theme is “Resistance,” it is alarming that the Left Forum is using neo-McCarthyist tactics to thwart resistance by grassroots activists of official narratives that in the United States of America should be allowed free, open, unobstructed inquiry.

To better understand the dangers our democracy is facing, read the important new book We Will Not Be Silenced: The Academic Repression of Israel’s Critics, edited by William I. Robinson and Maryam S. Griffin.

The “Left Out Forum”

​The organizers and speakers of the banned panels are resisting this Left Forum censorship ​by presenting the four banned panels at a location near the Left Forum’s John Jay Criminal College venue​.

Due to a pattern of harassment by Zionists elements to shut down free speech, the location of the banned panels will not be announced until Sunday, June 4, 9:00am EST at http://noliesradio.org/secret.

The Deep State panel line-up on Sunday, June 4 will be:​​

​​ ​”Left Out Forum” ​– Banned Panels

10:00-11:50 – Political Correctness: The Dangers of Thought Crime Police

  • Speakers: Dr. Anthony Hall, Jeremy Rothe-Kushel
  • Moderator: Cheryl Curtiss
  • Location to be announced Sunday, 9:00am EST at http://noliesradio.org/secret

12:00-1:50 –“Terrorism”: Fake Enemies, Fraudulent Wars

  • Speakers: Michael Springmann, Dr. Anthony Hall, Dr. Kevin Barrett
  • Moderator: Tom Kiely
  • Location to be announced Sunday, 9:00am EST at http://noliesradio.org/secret

2:00-3:50 – False Flags: Staged, Scripted, Mass Psy-Op Events

  • Dr. Kevin Barrett, Dave Lindorff, Ole Dammegard
  • Moderator: Dr. Lucy Morgan Edwards
  • Location to be announced Sunday, 9:00am EST at http://noliesradio.org/secret

4:00-5:50 – 9/11 Truth: Ground Zero for a Resistance Movement

  • Dr. Kevin Barrett, Barbara Honegger, Richard Gage
  • Moderator: Dr. Lucy Morgan Edwards
  • Location to be announced Sunday, 9:00am EST at http://noliesradio.org/secret

Left Forum ​– Approved Panel

12:00-1:50 – Co-Opting the Left: Infiltration by the Corporate State to Neutralize Resistance

  • Speakers:  Kevin Zeese, Glen Ford
  • Moderator: Cheryl Curtiss
  • Room 1.91, John Jay Criminal College

See attached for a full description of the five Deep State panels and panelist bios.

An important sister panel—Deep State 2.0: Against Anti-Semitism, But Critical of Zionism—features Alison Weir and will be presented on Saturday, 10:00 a.m., Room 1.93, John Jay Criminal CollegeWeir has authored an extraordinary landmark report that documents an international Zionist campaign to criminalize criticism of Israel as antisemitic.

Additionally, see the revealing 1:45-minute video of ex-Mossad agent, Victor Ostrovsky, explaining the “antisemitic” trick.

Another sister panel to be presented at the Left Forum is How New 9/11 Legal Actions Redefine Resistance, Saturday, 12:00 p.m., Room 1.93, John Jay Criminal College.

All Deep State panels will be live video-streamed on the Internet courtesy of No Lies Radio. More information is available at http://noliesradio.org/leftfor um

Featured image: spiked-online.com

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