A Labour Government that Will Run Rail, Roads, Jobs, the NHS, Housing and Social Care with Responsible Care


Today, Britain watches the dying moments of a mendacious Conservative Government and Party that has made the United Kingdom the laughing stock of both Europe and the world. Once the greatest economic and political force in history, now a comedy act run by a clown and a clutch of incompetent ideologues.

A Home Secretary and a Transport Minister who would struggle to get jobs waiting on tables. A Chancellor who is overwhelmed by his position and a Prime Minister who would fail in any job other than churning-out copy for a Tory rag. After having sacked the brightest and best of its old guard, the Tory Party is now the Gory Party, squelching about in its own blood as it desperately looks for a way out of its ideological excesses.

Fortunately, its political machinations are nearly at an end. The electorate will speak and speak loudly. Its voices will reverberate around Europe as it finally rejects this inept group of inconsequential political incompetents.

There will be a new dawn, a new economy and a new country in which the polarisation between rich and poor will measurably start to decrease: where bankers, personal wealth and hedge fund managers and non-executive directors will have to work hard and pay taxes like everyone else: where passengers will ride in modern rolling stock on a state-owned railway that will run smoothly and on time: where teachers, students, nurses, policemen, shop and office workers can afford decent housing and get prompt medical attention, where doctors surgeries and hospitals are properly funded and managed: where the country and the economy are run for the benefit of everyone not just the rich and powerful: where electricity, heating and water are affordable for all, both old and young: where the disabled are not disadvantaged but where salaries for executives are strictly tied to performance and where society respects a democratic government for everyone, not just a powerful class of landowners.

A new dawn will soon break for what will once again be the United Kingdom of Great Britain under a reforming Labour government and the rule of law. Democratic government is intended to be of the people, by the people and for the people – not by London bankers for the City of London and its friends.


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Hans Stehling (pen name) is an analyst based in the UK. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Red Pepper

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Articles by: Hans Stehling

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