Is Trump Making America Safe or Unsafe? A Scorecard
The short answer is it’s too soon to tell. His Office of the Press Secretary claims otherwise, saying “(i)n only two weeks, President Trump delivers on his promise to make America safe again.”
It cites Iranian sanctions along with putting Tehran on notice “for provocative action in violation of its international obligations.”
Fact: Its week ago ballistic missile test referred to was entirely legitimate, not provocative. Like all countries, it’s within its rights to develop and test weapons for self-defense. Iran poses no threat to any nation. Its military preparedness is vital to protect against clear external threats.
Fact: Actions by America, NATO and Israel threaten humanity, including possible thermonuclear annihilation. How does that reality keep the nation safe or any others?
Fact: US and Israeli hostility toward Iran threatens regional and world peace if it’s targeted by their belligerent action.
Trump’s press secretary office (PSO below) cited various presidential actions, speeches, White House meetings, approved administration appointees, and conversations with foreign leaders “promot(ing) an America first foreign policy” as ways he’s keeping the country safe.
Fact: All of the above largely constitute routine executive day-to-day business all heads of state engage in everywhere.
PSO: Trump signed an EO to enforce immigration laws, a separate one to suspend access to America from seven designated Muslim countries – on the pretext of protecting the nation “from terrorist attacks by foreign nationals…”
Fact: It’s unclear why an EO was needed to enforce current immigration laws. Banning the right of nationals from some countries to travel to America, not others, has nothing to do with public safety, everything to do with keeping Muslims the nation’s enemy of choice – the pretext for endless imperial wars.
PSO: An EO ordered the defense secretary to develop a plan to defeat ISIS.
Fact: America created and supports the terrorist group along with likeminded ones. It’s been US policy at least since the 1980s in Afghanistan.
Is Trump ending it? Is he sincere about defeating ISIS? Will he target or maintain support for likeminded groups, used as imperial foot soldiers?
Does he want to defeat international terrorism or is his EO and public comments hyperbole – intending to continue US imperial policies while pretending otherwise?
It’s too soon to know, though early signs aren’t encouraging – including irresponsibly challenging China and Iran, bashing Russia’s Ukraine policy, one-sidedly supporting Israel, threatening Palestinians, continuing drone wars, staging provocative military exercises on Russia’s border, and massacring Yemeni civilians.
PSO: Trump’s EO “establish(ed) the organization of the National Security Council.”
Fact: It’s been around since 1947 during the Truman years. It advises the president on national security and foreign policies. It coordinates them with various government agencies. Trump’s geopolitical agenda won’t be known until it more fully unfolds.
PSO: He held a cybersecurity meeting to discuss how to deal with possible threats.
Fact: So did his predecessors, nothing unusual about this. It’s standard practice in the modern age.
PSO: Trump spoke to 16 foreign leaders, including hosting UK Prime Minister Theresa May at the White House.
Fact: It’s his job, not related to keeping America safe except when agreements on national security are reached.
Netanyahu is coming in mid-February. Other leaders will follow. Putin and Trump will likely meet later this year at a neutral venue.
All of the above ignores the most important way to keep America safe. The nation’s only enemies are ones it invents.
End US imperial madness and none will exist. World peace and stability will break out all over – including domestically if Trump serves all America’s equitably, not just its privileged few alone, standard practice throughout the nation’s history, unlikely to change.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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