Human Life on Earth: “Peace and Well-being For all Humans is not Allowed”
A Comment from A Global Research Reader
Dear Global Research,
I am 70-years of age and have always been a reader on many subjects and find your website very educational. I read a couple of great articles by Judith Young, which are very thought provoking. That many people can see problems in the world we live in is beyond doubt, but workable solutions to many issues is a vexing problem.
The masses of humanity are used, abused and manipulated it seems from the beginning of human history. The “Bible” itself is very suspect as to its real origins and truthfulness, which has engulfed the minds of millions and influenced generations to man-made religions. However I am not an atheist, nor can most people comprehend the minds of the power-mongers who seem to have no conscience, no morals, no compassion, no mercy, no empathy or sanity.
One thing is for certain and that is that all human life is terminal, even to the billionaires and trillionaires (international bankers) and the “victors” of all wars. The control freaks of the planet can only achieve some kind of perverted “pleasure” in their power, control and super-wealth for a very short period of time, since all humans final resting place is the graveyard. From my perspective there is no gain in wealth, power, control or war, except for a fleeting moment.
The purpose of human life escapes those who lust for power over the world, its resources, its people and its geography. Their playground is the world and they often lurk in the shadows of darkness to plot and scheme their dastardly and cowardly deeds, such as 9/11 and then falsely blame others, for their hidden and ulterior motives.
Of course 9/11 was a master-stroke of evil genius and engineered by very different sources than propagandized to the world.
We live in the age of endless false-flag operations, never-ending assassinations, overthrow of governments and nations, the death and destruction of tens of millions of human beings, perpetual lies and propaganda and the manipulation of humanity for the sick-minded, warped and sordid reasoning of the power-elite that rule the world. Too bad that life on earth is not lived for positive and constructive purpose, instead of mass-murder (all wars) and the quest for power, control and wealth.
I would suggest eliminating all military off the face of the earth and convert all military hardware (aircraft, submarines, naval vessels, tanks, weaponry, etc.) into scrap metal and use the metal for positive purpose. I would also suggest dissolving all spy organizations, all secret “services”, all “intelligence” agencies and stop the intentional manufacturing of human “enemies”, and pitting nations and races against one another.
Downsizing government to a minuscule fraction of the behemoth monster of control that it is, would also make perfect sense. I would even suggest that all enforcement be accountable to local neighborhoods and citizens, instead of to any government at any level. The police state existence is the fruit of a world gone mad. Television “news” media is the enemy of humanity, because it is the greatest tool of mass-manipulation and propaganda the world has ever known, along with the propaganda movie industry. “News” monopoly is an obvious tool of subversion. Well of course, the problems in life on earth are glaring, but peace and well-being for all humans is not allowed.
The hard core fact is that there is nothing about human systems that should not be overhauled dramatically, including the medical system, the insurance system, the educational system, the money system, the prison system, the control through government system, the lies about vaccines system, the court system, the ridiculous “supreme” court system, the war industry and you name it.
Every “law” every government makes is just ink on paper and therefore can be dissolved, altered, changed or abolished at whim. Government is not God, nor is the “Supreme” Court, nor are made-made laws, churches or religions of men.
As long as $money is the god of the ruling elite, the world suffers for it. Even war is a wealth building racket.
Van Robison