Florida State University Shooting: Was Myron May a “Targeted Individual”?

Professor James Tracy

Law enforcement authorities and mainstream US news media are framing the November 20 Florida State University shooting incident as yet another case of a lone nut who regrettably gained access to a firearm.

Police Chief Michael DeLeo intimated May’s mental disorientation by noting to the press that the intellectually-gifted 31-year old attorney was in a “state of crisis.” “It’s clear Mr. May’s sense of being in place in our community,” DeLeo continued, “was not in a normal status” [sic]. For US journalists such statements, coupled with May’s unusual behavior leading up to the shooting are unambiguous: a sudden onset of mentally illness.

[Image Credit: GeorgiaNewsday.com]


But was May in fact mentally ill? According to Derrick Robinson, President of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS), the United States has a long history of mind control research and techniques, dating at least to the CIA’s MKULTRA and similar programs begun in the early 1950s.

“Basically their aim [has been] to control a human being without the person being aware of their efforts.” An individual can thus be directed to commit any number of acts, including murder and political assassination. “They use drugs, they use electroshock, they use hypnosis, and ultimately electromagnetic energy. That seemed to be what paid off the most for them.”[2] Robinson, a former US military veteran, also claims to be a victim of such practices.

May’s personal characteristics and behavior indeed fit the profile of many targeted individuals. He was single, changed his occupational status and living arrangements frequently over a short period leading up to the November 20 event (perhaps to avoid continued harassment), and was even in contact with FFCHS members for support as he protested what he perceived as electronic surveillance and harassment on social media.

On Sept. 7, May called police in Las Cruces, New Mexico, to report that someone had installed a camera in his apartment. As the Miami Herald reports, “He told police he could hear voices coming through the walls, and the voices were talking about him. One evening, for instance, he heard the voices commenting on his actions as he applied lotion after a bubble bath.”[3] According to Las Cruces broadcast journalist Laura Thoren, when May “filed the report police told him to ‘switch apartments.'” Aaron Alexis made similar complaints to police in the weeks leading up to his September 16, 2013 assault on the Navy Yard military base.

In early October May abruptly resigned as an assistant district attorney in New Mexico. Shortly thereafter his ex-girlfriend informed Las Cruces police that May was showing symptoms of a “severe mental disorder” for which he had been hospitalized weeks earlier.

May also had difficulty sleeping, sometimes for four or five nights in a row, and recently without explanation traveled from New Mexico to Colorado.[4]

Myron May suggested that he was a victim of such practices just five days before he was shot and killed by FSU police. “IS OUR GOVERNMENT VIOLATING ORDINARY CITIZENS’ RIGHTS?” May posted on Facebook alongside a video on mind control. “UNFORTUNATELY THE ANSWER IS YES!”[5]

Also, about one week ago May contacted a Renee Pittman Mitchell, who publicly regards herself as a “targeted individual” and has a website devoted to the topic. “‘He told me he just didn’t want to go on living like this,'” Mitchell told NBC News. “May continued to try to contact her and left three voicemails between 9:19 p.m. and 9:42 p.m. ET on Wednesday, November 20.

“‘I am currently being cooked in my chair. I devised a scheme where I was going to expose this once and for all and I really need you,'” he said in one of the messages, which was provided to NBC News and authenticated by a relative as May’s voice. ‘I do not want to die in vain.'”[6]

In an email he sent at 11:19 p.m., he wrote: “I’ve been getting hit with the direct energy weapon in my chest all evening. It hurts really bad right now.” Police say he opened fire on campus about an hour later.

According to Robinson, the prevailing demographic of electronic harassment/surveillance victims are single woman between the ages of 40 and 50 years old, although single men are also desirable targets. “They tend to choose individuals that are alone and unattached to family and friends,” Robinson observes. “They tend to want someone that they can isolate, and if they can get someone by themselves they can really bring the full bearing of their program upon them.”[7]

Through the corporate media lens the fact that many thousands of individuals claim to be routinely subjected to such techniques is far outweighed by the more easily apprehended notion of a mentally unhinged lone gunman running amok. To an American public that remains largely ignorant of electronic harassment and surveillance and oblivious to the US intelligence community’s long history of mind control experimentation such assertions would appear baseless.

Even if journalists and the broader public were inclined toward historical awareness in this regard the idea that the US government and/or government contractors would wield such techniques to harass and manipulate American citizens seems particularly outlandish.

As with the Sandy Hook massacre and the rash of mass shootings since, the mental illness angle to this story will ultimately carry the day, providing further momentum to the gun control lobby and those seeking to make compulsory psychiatric evaluations and psychotropic drugs a routine component of public health.[8]


[1] John Kennedy, “Rampage Leaves Police Searching for Answers,” Palm Beach Post, November 21, 2014.

[2] James F. Tracy, “Electronic Criminality and Mind Control (Interview with Derrick Robinson)Memoryholeblog.com, October 17, 2014.

[3] Lisa Gartner, Mary Ellen Klas, et al., “FSU Shooter’s Life Unravels, Ends in Violent Tragedy,” Miami Herald, November 2o, 2014.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Kennedy, “Rampage Leaves Police Searching for Answers.”

[6] “FSU Shooter Myron May Left Message: ‘I Do Not Want to Die in Vain,'” NBC News, November 21, 2014.

[7] Tracy, “Electronic Criminality and Mind Control.”

[8] Now is the Time: The President’s Plan to Protect Our Children and our Communities by Reducing Gun Violence (PDF), January 16, 2013, Washington DC; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “HHS Announces $99 Million in New Grants to Improve Mental Health Services for Young People,” September 22, 2014, Washington DC; U.S. Department of Education, “U.S. Department of Education Invests More Than $70 Million to Improve School Climate and Keep Students Safe,” September 23, 2014.

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About the author:

James F. Tracy was a tenured Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University from 2002 to 2016. He was fired by FAU ostensibly for violating the university's policies imposed on the free speech rights of faculty. Tracy has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the university, with trial set to begin November 27, 2017. Tracy received his PhD from University of Iowa. His work on media history, politics and culture has appeared in a wide variety of academic journals, edited volumes, and alternative news and opinion outlets. Additional information is available at MemoryHoleBlog.com, TracyLegalDefense.org, and jamesftracy.wordpress.com.

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