Extrajudicial Regime Change: The American Way at Home and Abroad


US imperialism operates domestically and abroad.

Regime change is official policy by both wings of one-party rule.

Things began in the mid-19th century by stealing half of Mexico.

Throughout the post-WW II period, US ruling authorities  toppled dozens of sovereign governments.

They assassinated legitimate leaders, removed others by color revolutions and old-fashioned coups, besides reigning terror worldwide for control of other nations, their resources and populations.

Things are more ruthless today than ever, both wings of the US war party on the same page in pursuing the nation’s imperial aims.

They also one-sidedly support privileged interests exclusively over governance serving all its people equitably.

The US system is hugely undemocratic by design.

Wealth, power and privilege control things — governance of by and for everyone equitably never a consideration.

The Supreme Law of the Land Constitution was designed to serve the nation’s privileged class that owns the country.

Duopoly rule excludes third (or independent) party surprises.

A single Senate member — or in cahoots with others — can subvert the majority will by filibustering with no time limit on how long.

House and Senate committees are controlled by powerbroker authority — most often a single individual chosen by seniority.

US fantasy democracy is money-controlled — amounting to a one-dollar = one vote system.

According to one analyst, voters are “reduced to the condition of one of Pavlov’s experimental dogs – apathetic, inert, disinterested,” and powerless.

The judiciary is what Michael Parenti called the politicized “aristocratic” branch of government.

Nothing in the Constitution mentions judicial review. The concept derives from two of its articles:

Article VI, Section 2 states that the Constitution, laws, and treaties are the “supreme Law of the Land” — judges bound by them.

Article III, Section 1 states that judicial power applies to cases where courts intervene.

Under this interpretation of the law, judges in theory can override actions by the executive and congressional branches of government.

The notion derived from Marbury v. Madison (1803). Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that the (Supreme) Court is the final arbiter of what is or is not the law — a precedent-setting decision.

Yet time and again, presidents by executive power and congressional actions have final say on policymaking — politicized courts to the highest level bowing to their will.

In a nation where foxes guard the henhouse, election theft happens with disturbing regularity — at the federal, state, and local levels.

Today it’s with electronic ease through corporate owned and controlled voting machines.

Voting by mail-in or absentee ballots is vulnerable for fraud on a massive scale.

US Election 2020 is Exhibit A. According to the US Elections Project:

  • Total early votes totaled 101,423, 318.
  • Mail-in votes totaled 65,487,735.
  • Another 35,935,583 Americans voted early in person.

The above are record numbers, far exceeding earlier totals. They’re subject to slight revisions.

They leave unexplained how many ballots were cast by ineligible voters — non-state residents, the deceased, or for other reasons.

When analysis of Election 2020 is completed at a later time by independent individuals and/or organizations — based on what’s already known — it’s highly likely to confirm enough fraud in key swing states for Biden/Harris over Trump.

The notion of a free, fair, and open process was never the American way.

Run by powerful interests, the process is secretive and unreliable.

Americans get the best “democracy” money and influence can buy — popular sentiment never a consideration.

So-called checks and balances are more fiction than fact.

Power brokers running the country assure that individuals chosen for high office and the courts serve their interests — how it’s been from inception.

Corporate-controlled establishment media give “legitimacy” to an illegitimate system.

The notion of free, fair and open elections — what democracy is supposed to be — is pure illusion.

Time and again before voting begins, winners are selected over losers.

Based on how the race for the White House turned out this year — recounts and legal challenges aside — Biden/Harris appear to have been chosen by the nation’s power elites over Trump.

While results aren’t final because of his challenges, they’re very likely to hold — though nothing is certain until nine Supreme Court justices rule by majority vote.

Because Republicans most likely will retain Senate control while Dems control the House, the High Court’s ruling on Trump v. Biden should stand — if its justices get to decide, where things appear to be heading.

What deep state dark forces want, they’re almost certain to rubber-stamp.

An earlier article discussed regime change at home.

Until the plot against Trump, removing Richard Nixon from office on trumped up charges was the leading example.

The shameful chapter in US history was all about his social, environmental and geopolitical agenda – world’s apart from how Republicans and undemocratic Dems operate today.

He opened China, recognized Taiwan as part of its territory, and wanted war in Vietnam ended that he earlier escalated before the US April 30, 1975 Saigon embassy rooftop exit, ending America’s longest war in modern times until Afghanistan.

SALT I talks with Soviet Russia (1969) led to the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty Bush/Cheney rescinded (2002).

Nixon threatened entrenched military/industrial/security and other interests, why he was marked for removal.

After leaving office, he traveled the world, wrote several books, and was respected as an elder statesman and foreign policy expert.

Following his death in April 1994, world figures paid their respects, including co-presidents Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with living former US presidents.

During 1973-74 impeachment proceedings, hostile to Nixon Hillary was a House Judiciary Committee lawyer.

There’s plenty about Trump to criticize.

Because of his unorthodox style, opinionating by tweets, media opposition, and demonizing by Dems, it appears that he was marked for removal by at least most deep state dark forces.

Whatever they want, they get. They have final say — not presidents, key congressional members or High Court justices.

As things now stand, Biden/Harris will succeed Trump in January — though nothing is certain until things play out in full.

They’ll likely conclude before inauguration day on January 20.

In 2016, Trump defied most pundits by defeating media darling Hillary.

A repeat performance this year appears to be the longest of long shots.

His multiple court challenges are unlikely to succeed.

Yet make no mistake. Biden/Harris didn’t win. They were chosen to deny Trump a second term.

That’s how US fantasy democracy works.

The will of dominant interests prevails over public sentiment most always.

At this time, Election 2020 appears no exception.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Featured image is by Adam Schultz/Flickr

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Articles by: Stephen Lendman

About the author:

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

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