East Ukraine Report From The Front Lines: Heavy Civilian Casualties
By “Juan”
- Donetsk Airport freight terminal is burned and partly destroyed. Kiev is believed to be in control of the airport at this time. Damage to the terminal building is unknown.
- The attempt to seize Donetsk Airport was reinforced by Vostok Brigade. Casualties were heavy in the brigade but numbers unknown.
- The Vostok Brigade wounded being transported to hospital in a truck were fired upon. The driver was killed, then an RPG round was fired at the truck. All the wounded in the truck were killed, either by the RPG or head shots after the assault. Confirmed by vid and photos of the dead, all that could be seen had head wounds. A second video not being published absolutely confirms that all the dead from the trucks carrying wounded had head wounds.-
This video by Russia Life News TV Network should only be viewed by a mature audience (Russian)
- Numerous bombardments last evening and this morning of civilian areas of Slavyansk, Donetsk, Mariupol and Lugansk City and suburbs, civilian casualties are heavy with more than 70 reported dead and wounded.
- Major movements of Kiev forces as of 05 local time this morning have not commenced. More information on this later.
- As of 11:30 local time scattered probing attacks are reported around Slavyansk.
- As of 10:05 local time the situation in Mariupol is unknown.
- No major attacks by the Nats today, just numerous small probes.
- Evacuation is being attempted in Slavyansk for civilians but it is not possible, the city is cut off and surrounded to an extent. Don’t know if this is true or if it is a charade to mask the evacuation of at least the children. Reality is Slavyansk has to large a population to evacuate, 120,000.
- Scattered artillery and mortar attacks continue in the vicinity of Slavyansk and the outskirts of Donetsk, almost all at random civilian residential areas. Some casualties but number is unknown.
- No information on the situation in either Lugansk Oblast or Mariupol in Donetsk Oblast.