DIME “Dense Inert Metal Explosive”: New Generation of Deadly Weapons
Gaza: Inexplicable Wounds and New Weapons
Global Research Editor’s note
Reported by the Italian medica team, there are indications that similar weapons were used by Israeli forces against Lebanese Civilians.
See the following reports by Global Research articles:
New and unknown deadly weapons used by Israeli forces by Prof. Paola Manduca – 2006-08-07
New and strange symptoms are reported amongst the wounded and the dead: ‘direct energy’ weapons, chemical and/or biological agents, in a macabre experiment of future warfare
Israeli crimes against humanity: Gruesome images of charred and mutilated bodies following Israeli air strikes – 2006-07-21
M. C. 12 October 2006
Dossier edited by Flaviano Masella and Maurizio Torrealta
1. Gaza: Inexplicable wounds and New Weapons
On Wednesday, October 11 at 1.43 a.m. on Rai News 24 and on Thursday, October 12 at 7.36 a.m. also on RaiTre
This report has been triggered by the warning launched in mid-july by some doctors of Gaza hospitals, who, for the first time, have treated inexplicable wounds which, in at least 62 cases, have caused the amputation of a lower limb. The doctors have often asked the help of the international community in order to understand the causes of these strange wounds which presented small fragments, often invisible to x-rays and inexplicable excisions caused by heat in lower limbs.
Several articles have appeared on national and international newpapers.
After a long research, the investigation team of Rai News 24 has identified the possible cause of these effects: it seems a new weapon dropped by unmanned drones, which is precisely teleguided to the target.
The weapon, according to the military magazine “Defence Tech”, is called DIME which means “Dense Inert Metal Explosive” [see link below]. It is a carbon shell that when it goes off breaks into small splinters. At the same time, there is the explosion of a charge which shoots a blade of tungsten dust charged with energy which burns and destroys everything in the radius of four meters with a really precise slant.
This technology is part of a new kind of “low lethality” weapons which downside collateral damages and restrain lethal effects.
Ugo Intini, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and the representatives of national and international press will participate into the broadcasting of the report.
From http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/14585
Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/dime.htm
2. Defense contractors weigh Majority Leader Murtha by Roxana Tiron , Oct 11/06
… “We are mortgaging our future on this war,” said one lobbyist, who represents several major defense companies. “Most people want to see the war over to go to the next-generation weapons.” … “A lot of the money is spent replenishing systems,” said the lobbyist. “War is not good for business. The industry wants to produce the new stuff rather than see the money go to the war.” …