Danish Documentary Exposes Widespread Damage Caused by HPV Vaccine
One of Denmark’s national television stations, TV2, recently aired a documentary entitled The Vaccinated Girls – Sick and Betrayed. The film focuses on three girls who were healthy before receiving the HPV vaccine but subsequently developed serious health problems that remain undiagnosed and unexplained.
Among the doctors featured in the documentary is Louise Brinth of Frederiksberg Hospital, who has personally examined approximately 80 girls with similar symptoms potentially caused by the HPV vaccine.
Brinth noted that they experience symptoms such as dizziness, passing out, and severe headaches. She said, “They have abdominal pain and nausea. They have weird muscle movements, they cannot control. And they’re very tired…. We see a pattern that screams to heaven, and that should be examined by some solid research.”
Danish government taking action
In the documentary, Brinth and another doctor from Frederiksberg Hospital both say that they have never seen such symptoms before. Between them, they have sent four separate warnings to the Danish Health and Medicines Authority that the health problems they have seen might be linked to the HPV vaccine.
During the production of the film, TV2 asked the Health and Medicines Authority for copies of all documents related to the country’s HPV vaccination program. However, the four warnings from the Frederiksberg Hospital physicians were not included in the materials sent to TV2. When the station asked why the documents had been omitted, the Health and Medicines Authority said that they had simply forgotten them.
However, the Health and Medicines Authority is starting to take action, due in part to the efforts of Brinth and her colleagues.
“When we see a pattern in how some reports, there is a basis for making some more explanations, and delve into this stuff,” Director of Health Henrik G. Jenson said.
The Health and Medicines Authority has now designated a single location in each of the country’s five healthcare regions where people suspected of negative reactions to an HPV vaccine can be examined. No official protocol has been established for how to examine or treat such patients yet, however.
Vaccine-induced nerve syndrome?
The documentary was released shortly after the publication of a study by Brinth and colleagues in the Danish Medical Journal describing a consistent set of symptoms developed by a small group of women following HPV vaccination.
“The quadrivalent vaccine that protects against human papilloma virus types 6, 11, 16 and 18 (Q-HPV vaccine, Gardasil) was included into the Danish childhood vaccination programme in 2009,” the researchers wrote. “During the past years, a collection of symptoms primarily consistent with sympathetic nervous system dysfunction have been described as suspected side effects to the Q-HPV vaccine.”
The researchers note that a previous, large-scale study found no difference in rates of specific autoimmune diseases between those who had received the vaccine and those who had not. In recent years, however, concern has emerged because “a collection of symptoms has been described that does not readily fit into an existing diagnostic entity, but seemingly represents or involves a dysfunction in the autonomic nervous system.” This collection of symptoms has been considered a possible side effect of injection with both the four-virus (quadrivalent) and two-virus (divalent) varieties of HPV vaccine.
In the new study, the researchers examined 53 patients who had been referred to them for possible autonomic nervous system dysfunction following HPV vaccination. The researchers found that the patients showed remarkable similarities in their symptoms, including balance difficulties upon standing; severe non-migraine headaches; excessive fatigue; gastrointestinal upset; nerve-related pain; and even cognitive dysfunction.
The symptoms seen were not only consistent between patients, but they also matched those described in other studies, the researchers said.
Because the new study is not enough to prove or disprove that the HPV vaccination caused the observed symptoms, the researchers said, “further research is urgently warranted to clarify the pathophysiology behind the symptoms experienced.”
(Natural News Science)