Binyamin Netanyahu, AIPAC’s Putative American President, Plans to Threaten the US Congress

Israel, the only undeclared nuclear weapons state, a global threat

In-depth Report:

Binyamin Netanyahu – AIPAC’s putative US President – will, next Tuesday, threaten both Houses of Congress that he is prepared to deploy his 400 nuclear warheads to ensure Israeli dominance of the Middle East unless Washington and the world accede to his demands against Iran (and Gaza and Lebanon and Turkey). A status quo that recalls the demands of the German National Socialists, in 1936, prior to their occupation and domination of Europe that instigated World War 2. 

 Israel, which is the only undeclared nuclear weapons state in the world, is fast becoming a global threat as its vast, secret nuclear arsenal, including its second-strike, nuclear-armed submarine fleet, remains outside the inspection of the IAEA or any other international regulation. It is also one of the only states in the world that refuses to be a party to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) or the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).

Meanwhile, its 7 year illegitimate and inhumane blockade of Gaza that is intended to force 1.8 million men, women and children to leave their homes and businesses by prohibiting essential building (and medical) supplies that would rebuild the infrastructure previously destroyed by the IDF – in order that Israel can continue its oppression as well as its illegal expansion into the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

The current situation of the state of Israel vis-a-vis the U.S. Congress is fast becoming surreal as a politician of a foreign coalition with less than 25% of the votes of his own electorate (whilst being dependent on American aid) – seeks to usurp the democratically elected President of the United States who represents 308 million American voters.

Netanyahu’s temerity in seeking to unduly influence world affairs whilst directly representing little more than just one million people, is cynical political irony, without parallel, which indicates a deep malaise in democratic governance and represents a direct threat to European (and global) stability.

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Articles by: Anthony Bellchambers

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