Phil Greaves - Archive
Syria: Media Disinformation, War Propaganda and the Corporate Media’s “Independent Bloggers”
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May 01, 2018
Under the Disguise of The “Battle against Terrorism”: The U.S., Britain and France Support “Al Qaeda in Syria”
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November 14, 2015
Orientalism and the Islamic State Spectacle. “Leftists” Support US-NATO’s “Civilizing Mission”
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September 22, 2014
The West’s Liberal “Left” and the “Rationalizing” of Genocide in Historic Palestine
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August 01, 2014
American Imperialism and Non-Conventional Warfare in Iraq: Premeditated Covert Operations and the ISIS Insurgency
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June 18, 2014
Western Left-opportunism, and “Denying Agency” in Syria.
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March 16, 2014
Coup d’Etat in Ukraine: Bias and Hypocrisy of the Western Liberal “Left” Media
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March 08, 2014
Israel and Saudi Arabia’s Priorities in Syria. Covert Militarism and the “Lebanonization Strategy”
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February 18, 2014
Terrorism with a “Human Face”: Rebranding the Public Image of Syria’s Al Qaeda Brigades
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January 07, 2014
The Syria Chemical Weapons Attack and the Role of Saudi Intelligence. The Mint News Report
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November 23, 2013
Syria Analysts, Impartial? Not likely. Think Tank Commentators Posing as Objective Scholars
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November 06, 2013
Media Fabrications and the War on Syria: How the Western Press Parrots Israeli Propaganda
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November 03, 2013
Syria: “The Army of Islam”; Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export
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October 03, 2013
Syria: Controversy surrounding MintPress Chemical Weapons Ghouta Report
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September 22, 2013
Syria: Has Obama Finally Forsaken the Insurgency?
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September 16, 2013
Syria: Obama’s Pretext for War
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September 05, 2013
Syria: John Kerry’s “Big Lie” syndrome. “Political language is designed to make Lies sound truthful and Murder Respectable”
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August 31, 2013
CIA Gun-running, Qatar-Libya-Syria.
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August 09, 2013
Egypt: Divide and Conquer?
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July 30, 2013
“Progressive” Mainstream Media Supports the Destabilization and Balkanization of Syria
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July 24, 2013
Divisions within the Syrian “Opposition”? The FSA and the Supreme Military Council Support Al Qaeda Terrorists
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July 13, 2013
Did Israel Attack Syria?
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July 10, 2013
Qatar: US Proxy in America’s Terror War in Syria
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July 01, 2013
Escalation of Syria War: Ahmed Al-Assir, America’s Pawn in Lebanon
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June 28, 2013
Syria: How far will Obama go to Save the Insurgency?
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June 28, 2013
Chemical Weapons: Building the Case for Further US Aggression against Syria
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June 16, 2013
Triggering Sectarianism in Syria, Destabilizing the Secular State
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June 13, 2013
Senator John McCain Meets Leaders of Terror Brigade in Syria. The NGOs that Made it Happen
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June 09, 2013
“Humanitarian Wars” and “Regime Change”:Tony Blair Continues to Push the Neo-Con Agenda.
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June 02, 2013
Hezbollah and the War in Syria: Why is the UK Pressuring the EU to Designate Hezbollah a “Terrorist” Group?
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May 23, 2013
The CIA, Qatar, and the Creation of Syria’s Jabhat al Nusra
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May 17, 2013
Buying Time in Syria
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May 11, 2013