After Reshuffle: CIA Still Keeps Eye On Russia

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Washington reports that first deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Steve Kappes will quit this May, and Michael Morell the Director of Intelligence, will be promoted to this position.

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Thus, the second spot in the CIA passes from an investigator to an analyst. While Kappes worked directly with US intelligence agents in various countries, Morell was dealing with intelligence data without being personally involved in gathering it. According to CIA Director Leon Panetta, Morell knows the CIA from top to bottom after 30 years of service he is a worthy substitute for Kappes. Kappes’ retirement was expected. He has already applied for retirement twice and both times Barack Obama personally talked him into staying. Kappes’ career was somehow dimed by scandals involving intelligence officers in “third degrees” in foreign CIA secret prisons. Only Kappes’ friendship with Panetta saved him from big trouble but his retirement was already a foregone conclusion.

The real reasons for the changes in CIA senior leadership remain well-concealed. However, Morell’s promotion is considered to rearrange the CIA’s operations in the sphere of collecting intelligence data. There is an opinion that the CIA may return to the former principle when data analysis will affect its collection not vice versa. Some information says that Morell may replace Panetta in due time. Barack Obama criticized the CIA for its faults and poor anti-terrorist activity, namely for the fact that al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is still missing. Michael Morell seems to face new duties to implement the new CIA strategy which was recently made public.  Among traditional economic and political intelligence, non-proliferation, the fight against terrorism and drugs the CIA is now in the fight against cyber aggression, first of all China’s, and provide for intelligence in Iraq, Iran and other hot spots.

Media says the White House is not quite pleased with the data collected by the CIA in hot spots, especially in the Middle East, Iran, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The CIA seems to understand its faults and thus is conducting training of skilled personnel who can speak Arabic, Farsi and Chinese. Such professionals even get extra for speaking one of these languages.

The CIA also continues to keep an eye on its traditional rival –Russia. Despite the reset of bilateral relations, Russia’s special services have recently noted that the CIA has become more active on the country’s territory.  It pays much attention to Russia’s domestic policy and military-economic potential. The CIA is actively soliciting Poland’s, Georgia’s and Baltic countries’ intelligence in anti-Russian operations. In this case it should be mentioned that the reset should touch upon all spheres since it has proclaimed. Moreover, the two countries have enough areas for cooperation, including anti-terrorist activity, non-proliferation and drug trafficking. No changes in the CIA should hinder this cooperation.

 Global Research Articles by Sergey Aleksandrov

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