9/11 Truth: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects

Review of Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitmate 9/11 Suspects by Kevin Robert Ryan, Microbloom, 2013.


Kevin Ryan is the expert on structural steel who got fired by his firm for speaking out about the tower collapses on 9/11, and he’s still doing so with this courageous book that names so many suspects that you can’t help wondering why he left out George W. Bush. But there’s the catch: 9/11 was a hidden coup by a secret multi-national government that could, as Mr. Ryan worryingly asserts, still be in place today and pulling the strings of Mr. Obama.

Almost everyone in the world now suspects something along the lines of Ryan’s theory that 19 Americans arranged 9/11, and not almost 19 Saudis, except of course North Americans who have had their news and commentary channels ruthlessly controlled for decades. Free discussion of who was really responsible, how they got away with it, and what to do about them has been censored and ridiculed for 12 years.

Thus an “intellectual” employed by Duke University can still conduct a course about 9/11 that begins with the words: “The attacks of September 11, 2001 … demonstrated the ability of non-state actors to inflict serious damage on the world’s greatest superpower and exposed the vulnerability of the entire global community to catastrophic acts of terrorism. “ (Coursera.com) This pundit goes on: “Part II will examine how the United States changed its policies in response to 9/11 in three areas: the use of military force, law enforcement and intelligence activities, and homeland security. We will trace the evolution of these policies from the Bush to the Obama Administration and critically assess the overall counter-terrorism strategy. “ This truly is a case of the blind leading the blind.

In sharp contrast, Ryan’s 19 prime suspects are led by Dick and Don (Cheney & Rumsfeld), sponsors of the Continuity of Government provisions for installing a secret government after a major terror attack. He says they could be motivated by a weird form of patriotism. Dismayed by the USA’s defeat in Vietnam, and shocked by President Ford’s subsequent loss of a second term, they set about transforming themselves into heroes and anointing themselves unacknowledged rulers of the multi-national world. Rigging 9/11 was just duty for them.

Ryan goes on to name 16 other suspects, ranging from Richard Armitage and Frank Carlucci within the secret state to mob-suspect Rudy Giuliani and his sidekick Bernie Kerik, with men like Louis Freeh, George Tenet, Richard Clarke, Paul Bremer, Duane Andrews of SAIC and CIA hitman Porter Goss along the way. He’s done his research thoroughly, and has produced an engrossing read about the ballooning super-state’s ugly underside and its hidden links with the monarchic middle-East. With this horrific lot of fascists at the top, there really is something desperately wrong with the USA, whatever Duke University thinks.

Ryan admits the USA will never bring these men to trial. He hopes that other countries with 9/11 victims will try them. Let’s hope it happens. His case is so self-evident that it is crying out to be heard, except that the one national group that so badly needs to hear it is confused by the litany of cries of “conspiracy theory” or “anti-semitism”. The level of media rigging is mind-boggling, as when the launch of Universal Studios’ bogus United 93 movie directed by the UK’s Paul Greengrass was brought forward to coincide with the trial of Zacharias Moussaoui and received massive free TV news plugs and trailer clips every night for six weeks.

According to Ryan, Bremer toured Ground Zero on the day spouting the official story, the one that got written into Lisa Beamer’s memoir a year later as the Voice of God, first hardback issue: one million copies. Four years and hundreds of waterboard tortures later, the 9/11 Commission’s official version was identical, almost word-for-word, because — guess what? — the torture victims endorsed all the CIA’s accusations and the FBI’s huge PENTTBOM investigation found out nothing and suppressed almost everything.

“The FBI took extraordinary measures to hide evidence…and was remarkably uncooperative with the investigations,” Ryan states. When it seized Flight 93’s ostensible crash site in Pennsylvania, the FBI ensured that absolutely nothing would emerge about it that was not from official sources. With passenger Todd Beamer’s Let’s Roll call issuing from the heart of Pentagon supplier Verizon, the fight-back legend put Americans back on the warpath and the Afghan and Iraq debacles became inevitable. Today’s world-wide electronic surveillance crisis is the direct result of the secret “continuity of government” policy instituted on that day. Governments world-wide cower before the despotic power of trans-national corporations, their legions of bankers, lawyers and private armies, backed by countless servants sworn to secrecy in the super-state.

There are so many ruthless brutes named and described in Ryan’s book that it’s easy to imagine him having a sudden car crash or inexplicable heart-attack. Still, most of them are getting old now, and even their powers must be waning. Perhaps youth will get out of the clutches of Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber and arrange for a brighter tomorrow, although the chance of a space-9/11 or an armageddon chemical attack seems just as possible. Right now the USA is considering unilateral military action against Syria based on trumped up charges.

Ryan has found out so much about his 19 suspects that their full horror lies exposed, and yet I did not read that Rumsfeld introduced aspartame during one of his corporate tenures, nor that Cheney peppered the face of his partner with shot while duck-hunting: Ryan leaves out the tawdry bits. Nor does he have photographs, or he could have shown an FBI officer standing beside a jet engine that disappeared from Fresh Kills depository, or an entirely different crash site for Flight 93 a few hundred yards away from the fake one. He could have shown a secret service jumbo jet circling low over the White House during the Pentagon explosions, or a mug-shot of Atta looking about 25 years younger than the one that was published. He could have shown uniformed personnel absconding with pieces of aircraft from the Pentagon crash site, or the passport that Kerik produced as having somehow fallen from a crashed airliner. All these controversial pictures have been published, and yet the perpetrators still strut around their comfortable estates unaffected. Perhaps Ryan’s diligent quest for details on their backgrounds and motives will serve where photographs did not.

Rowland Morgan attended Cambridge University, worked for the Vancouver Sun, the Georgia Straight, The Independent on Sunday and The Guardian. He has published 42 books, and was co-author of 9/11 Revealed: the Unanswered Questions in 2005 and author of Flight 93 Revealed in 2006.

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Articles by: Rowland Morgan

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