75 Reasons to be Skeptical of “Global Warming”
* Carbon dioxide contributes to only 4.2 – 8.4% of the greenhouse gas effect
* Only approximately 4% of carbon dioxide is man-made
* Water vapor accounts for 90 – 95% of the green house gas effect
* 99.99% of water vapor is natural, meaning that no amount of deindustrialization could get rid of it
* There have been many times when the temperature has been higher than it is now including the Medieval Warming Period, the Holocene, the Jurassic, and the Eemian
* Increases in carbon dioxide follow increases in temperature by about 800 years, not precede them
* 2008 and 2009 were the coolest two years of the decade
* Solar activity is highly correlated with temperature change:
* Studies show that half of all recent warming was solar
* Mars has warmed about 0.5°C since the 1970’s, approximately the same that earth has warmed over the same period
* The 0.7°C increase in temperatures over the last century is entirely consistent with well-established, long-term, natural climate trends
* The distance between Earth and Sun changes every year, affecting the amount of energy the earth receives
* James Hansen of NASA said in a simulation of temperatures from 1880 to 2000 soot accounted for 25% of observed global warming
* Research suggests that soot could have nearly as much impact on climate change as carbon dioxide
* Antarctica has 90% of earth’s ice and it is growing
* Arctic sea ice has returned to 1979 levels, which is when records began
* The Arctic ice caps have recovered from their loss in 2007
* The Arctic is now 1°C cooler than it was in the 1940’s
* Polar bear populations are increasing
* Polar bears are able to swim over 60 miles continuously
* A chart of sea level change over millions of years looks like this:
* According to satellite data, sea level has been decreasing since 2005
* Instead of hurting forests, the increased level of carbon dioxide has been helping them grow
* The official “record” for temperatures only goes back 150 years
* Only 20% of the members of the IPCC deal with climate science
* Head of the IPCC, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri has no background in climate science. His PhD is in economics and he worked as a railway engineer before becoming head of the IPCC
* Michael Mann’s “hockey stick” graph, which was featured prominently in the 2001 IPCC report, was created using only portions of a data set. The red line is the graph of Mann’s selected data, while the black line is the graph of all the data:
* Many climate-monitoring surface stations are in locations that look like this:
* In April 1978, there were 6,000 climate-monitoring surface stations. There are now about 1,200
* Difference between the USHCN “raw” data (in blue) and NASA “homogenized” data (in red):
* According to a leaked email in “climategate,” “temperatures in Darwin [a monitoring station in Australia] were falling at 0.7 Celsius per century […]but after the homogenization, they were warming at 1.2 Celsius per century. […][W]hen those guys “adjust,” they don’t mess around.”
* According to a leaked email in “climategate,” computer programmer Harry Harris called the CRU data set “hopeless,” and said “the rest of the databases seem to be in nearly as poor a state as Australia was. […]This whole project is SUCH A MESS. No wonder I needed therapy!!”
* The Hadley CRU has been accused of using data from just 25% of Russia’s surface stations, deliberately overstating Russia’s warming by .64°C between the 1870’s and 1990’s
* Bart Chilton, a CFTC commissioner, said “carbon markets could be worth $2 trillion in transaction value – […]within five years of trading (starting). […]That would make it the largest physically traded commodity in the US, surpassing even oil”
* The owners of the trading floor where the carbon credits will be traded, including Goldman Sachs and Al Gore, stand to earn trillions if cap-and-trade is passed
* The cap-and-trade bill allows the government police powers to come into your home and inspect it for “energy efficiency,” and to fine you every day your home is not compliant
* Australian homes now have to undergo a mandatory energy-efficiency assessment – costing up to $1500 per property – before they can be sold or rented under new laws to tackle carbon emissions
* UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has called for “global governance structure” to monitor greenhouse gases, which everyone on the planet emits with every exhale
* 45% of Americans think global warming is man-made, down 9% from just half a year earlier
* In the court case Dimmock v Secretary of State for Education and Skills, a British judge ruled that there were nine “inaccuracies” in An Inconvenient Truth, including Gore’s claim that sea level could rise by up to 20 ft. The IPCC’s own report predicted a maximum rise of 59cm in sea level over 100 years. The Science and Public Policy Institute has taken issue with thirty five of Gore’s claims in An Inconvenient Truth